Please allow me to muse a little this evening. As is obvious I have not chosen to blog these past couple of weeks as Clare's parents have done a masterful job of keeping us each apprised of every little bit of progress in Clarita's life
Each day brings new challenges and so much progress. We have no idea what the future holds for Clare yet we have great faith and hope that it is brilliant. I, on the other hand, have learned so much these past 5 1/2 weeks.
Firstly: I am a witness to the immediate and sacrificial love of good parents. I am thrilled with Clare's Mom and Dad and impressed that they have been selected to bring such sweet spirits into this life as they have. Anna, Cooper and Clare are so fortunate to have the kind, patient and sweet parents that they do.
Jadi has set up a 24/7 watch at the hospital. Last night, the eve of their 10th anniversary, she arranged that Aunt Carly watch Clare while she and her sweetheart took time out to go for dinner. The other day we spirited her away for an hour and had a bite to eat close to the "Children's". Otherwise, Spencer brings her clean clothes, she speaks with Anna and Cooper on the phone every day, patiently listening to their stories and noises. Anna will speak with Jadi for 2o minutes at a time and Jadi waits until her little girl exhausts every aspect of her day and then coaches her on what she might do to help Grandma, Auntie and Cooper.
Last Saturday night things were grim. There had been many sleepless nights. Spencer had been late at the hospital on Friday night and then headed up there very, very early Saturday morning to spell off Jadi. They were finding that Clare slept better if they rocked her almost all the time. Saturday evening Spencer went to the hospital and held Clare until 5:00 on Sunday morning, returned home for a few hours sleep and then back to their bedside.
Only a couple of days ago, after asking permission to bring in a more comfortable chair, did the hospital staff indicate that they could find a lounge chair for them. Every bit of progress is being recognized, documented and celebrated. Clare's success at drinking has us all enthused.
Second: People really care!! It has been such a wonderful experience to feel the concern that friends and strangers have had for the welfare of Clare. People of all faiths have lifted up their hearts in prayer, pleading with a kind Father in Heaven that miracles will continue to bless this princess. I have been stopped by strangers who have asked for an update on her progress.
The numbers of people who read the Jackson's Blog is amazing. The sweet, sweet comments that are left, uplift and support this fragile family at a tough time. Buddies, tough old hockey playing, downhill racing, fast driving guys have wept with Spencer and prayed for Jadi.
Obviously Spencer's new business has taken a hit but I would like to thank State Farm and his associates for stepping up to the plate. I will take a minute to throw a plug in, as he needs a break and could use your support. Take the time to get them to give you a quote. There are many of you who have already supported him. thanks!!
Third: The medical personnel really care. The staff at the Foothills Hospital were absolutely unbelievable in their delivery of first rate help and their support of the family. We witnessed them take hours to describe Clare's condition and answer multitudes of questions. They continue to receive awesome support at the Alberta Children's Hospital. You know, many times we take medical care for granted. We complain about long waits and shortages but we've received the very best.
Fourth: Family is fantastic. You know, almost the first person to comment on the new blogs is Jen Richards. It is a thrill to me that Jadi can call her Mom out in Okotoks at 3, 4 or 5 in the morning and have a Mother's knowledgeable advice instantly there. The other day, after a very difficult night, knowing that her husband had only had a couple of hours sleep, Jadi turned to her Dad and invited him to the hospital to pronounce Priesthood blessings. Our Carly came home for a visit with family. Her first time home since her marriage last August. She has, delightedly cared for Anna and Cooper almost the whole time. Brothers, sisters, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles and cousins; you are amazing. If I leave anyone out, please excuse me. I am so grateful to you all.
Fifth: A few years ago, one of our Church leaders spoke on the Tender Mercies of the Lord. He recommended that we count our blessings each and every day, that, if we take the time to do so, we will see the Lord's hand in our lives in countless ways all the time. We believe in miracles and have poured our hearts out to Heaven. Miracles have happened almost routinely. The Miracle of the Cooling Blanket is one of amazing proportion. Clare's progress is steady and sure. It will be months and maybe years before we understand her full, physical and mental potential but the fact that she is here and so beautiful, is a testament to your prayers being answered. Please continue to pray for ongoing heavenly outpourings.
Now I apologize for the length of the post, but I am overwhelmed. I do believe that Heaven is aware of Clare's needs, I understand that not all God's children will be blessed with all faculties in this life but hold out great hope for Clare's future. She has the best parents. They have proven their love.
Thank you, each of you, from a grateful grandad....