Or some such nonsense.
We are delighted to report that we are happily located in Raymond, AB. The community boasts a population of 4,000 and is located just south of Lethbridge. Costco, Walmart, Home Depot, the all important McDonalds for the elixir of life and the movie theaters are just 20 minutes away. Raymond has the Merc. (its well-stocked little grocery store), the hardware, a pharmacy, Subway and a couple of convenience stores. There is a Burger Baron hamburger stand that appears to have been standing in the same location since dirt was created.
Raymond is remarkably quiet, the few stores have short hours and rush hour lasts 2 minutes at 5:05 p.m. Sometimes there is one other person in front of you at the grocery checkout. Kids play on the street, walk in the mud, knock on our door to find out if I am, indeed, the Candy Man. I assure them that I am not but delight in having them fearlessly knock, anyway. I am filled with memories of my own childhood when mother used to open the door for us in the summer, urge us outside to play with all the kids in town, and they all were our friends. She used to remind us to be home at dark and if we wanted something to eat, there was peanut butter in the cupboard. One summer I discovered that a quick and tasty sandwich was a very large squirt of ketchup and 2 pieces of bread. I digress.
Our house stood ready for us for almost a year as we vacilated on our decision to move, worried about our dear little, needy family in Calgary. In December we listed our house and thanks to wonderful realtor and dear friend, Jill Rea, we sold in a short while. Moving day was all the month of February. Good Friends, moving is very difficult. We still have a garage full of STUFF and have great plans to go through and dispose of much more.
We continue to have a life in Calgary. There is work, friends and family there and we make the trip willingly, almost weekly. SWAM still takes art classes from her good friend Paula and likes being in class at least 4 times a month, usually going Monday, Tuesday, every other week.
Our children have been incredibly supportive and have been in our home regularly. The little children have christened the play area under the stairs as; "The Tiny Room". They have little tables, chairs, dishes and miscellany scattered throughout. They have been vigilant to see that it is kept tidy, that the light is turned out and everybody gets to play.
Now, as to the BLOGGING thing. I am a dolt, lazy and discontent. I will do better. I use much of the content of this to add to my own journal, which is about 400 pages of this and that.
Grandpa successfully arranges for all the grandkids and the future grandkids to happily pose for a family photo.
If you want to thrill 4 year olds, take them out to the golf course and give them the wheel. As all our children know, I am blessed with incredible patience when it comes to teaching the skill of driving. I used to tell the kids when they had the wheel, that I wasn't yelling because I was angry, but because I was scared to death.
Cooper trying to ensure that all vestiges of chocolate are successfully extracted.