Sunday, March 23, 2008

Lessons I Have Recently (RE) Learned..

Tonight, I will meander about, ruminating on lessons that I am learning. I will try to keep on task but being as A.D.D. as I am, please grant me some allowance.

Things I Have Learned From My Grandchildren
  1. As long as you can plug your nose, Grandpa can get real close and speak right in your face.
  2. A dirty face is only upsetting to adults.
  3. Just like a little green under the nose is perfectly acceptable.
  4. Hats can be worn frontwards, sideways or pulled down tight so that you have to cock your head back in order to see.
  5. Always allow an extra few minutes after removing your socks to carefully check between each toe.
  6. Grand Dads make great monkey bars.
  7. Games end way too quickly!
  8. Princesses are a state of mind.
  9. Make-up is fun to wear.
  10. When you are going to hug, make it count.
  11. You see; hugs heal.
  12. Accidents happen.
  13. Puppies are cool but really scary.
  14. Pancakes are a great way to start every day.
  15. Redundancy in soothers and bottles is a must.
  16. Nothing is more peaceful that a sleeping child.
  17. If you have nothing to say on the phone, hang up.
  18. An open door invites escape.
  19. If you are going for a walk, why go in a straight line?
  20. No matter where you are, if someone tries to turn off Treehouse, it will be noticed.
  21. The more tired you are, the funnier silly stuff is.
  22. Chocolate makes a holiday great.
  23. Strawberries are a Heavenly Gift.
  24. and finally, for today, Mommies and Daddies are the best.
Other Things I Have Learned.
  1. Never pay retail.
  2. A mother's love knows no bounds.
  3. Winters are depressing and Spring is refreshing.
  4. A brisk walk is healing.
  5. Things will work out.
  6. Life is better if there is something to look forward to.
  7. It feels good to give.
  8. Parents love to hear from kids, anytime, even if it is the middle of the night.
  9. Along the same line, parents naturally worry.
  10. Family is soothing.
  11. Friends are a valuable commodity.
  12. 36 years is just a good start.
  13. Putting on weight is more fun than taking it off.
  14. Prayers are heard and they are answered.
There is much more, but for today, this is a good start.


Ashley said...

Great lessons!

Kristy said...

Very valuable lessons learned!! All true.

ehjenn said...

Agreed. Although I am not really sure you or I believe the one about being happy to hear from your children in the middle of the night. Maybe on occasion, but I know I have had many visits in the middle of the night when I would rather be sleeping. Maybe cause it is so frequent. Love you pops. Good to see you today.

Carly & Jesse said...

hey daddy. I have a new blog address. it is
Love you