Sunday, December 23, 2007

She's Got Talent

Always the crafty person, and not in the sneaky sense, our Gerry has embarked on a new hobby. (Now perhaps I shouldn't mention this, but she has several hobbies, thinks my passion for golf is expensive but I would refer you to the inventory of craft paraphernalia, stamping stuff, assorted scrap-booking materials, reams of quilting materials, thousands of dried and silk flowers, not to mention the hobby of caring for grand kids.)

Having said that, she has always had a refined eye and amazes all of us with her abilities to create beauty. In the summer, we have people stop by our house daily to discuss her gardens and to comment on the gorgeous combination of colors.

One of our friends teaches art and invited Gerry to take a week long class in the summer, learning water color techniques and basics. She continues to take classes, generally spending 3 - 4 hours each week with Paula and other new friends in a gallery learning her new hobby. Several weeks ago, I watched her sit at our kitchen table allowing herself to create one of her pictures.

We are all grateful for the beauty that she brings into our lives.

thanks Darlin'

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Christmas Chronicles

I apologize to all for the length of this post and to those who will receive it by Snail Mail. It is our Christmas letter for this year.

Jackson Family Christmas Chronicles - 2007

How did we get so lucky?

Today is Saturday, December 8th and there are a bunch of things that are screaming for attention, not the least of which is the imminent dread of fending off the hordes in the mall. I wonder how long I can hide in my office until Gerry insists that we head out. She is slowly working herself up to the state of, “Oh no, there’s simply not time to do all that we have to do before Christmas”. I think that women have a secret belief that, in spite of our protestations, men really do like to shop. One of my secret ambitions is to do my best to convince my dear wife that this is not true. Anyway, on to the family.

As evidenced by the photo, we had a wedding in the summer. Carly and Jesse Smith were married in the Salt Lake Temple in August. What a wonderful experience. We have added another fine individual into our in-laws and he brings with him an equally fine family, principled and kind. Jesse is in his last year at BYU and will graduate with a double E degree in the summer. For those of you who don’t understand engineering talk, that means Electrical Engineering. He has just accepted a position with the Stryker Corporation and they will be moving to San Jose, CA in July. He will be making head way in bringing the next great medical, diagnostic miracle to the world over the next few years.

Carly spent the first part of the year in the fine arts program at UVSC. She is a gifted dancer and brings great joy to us in her interpretations of ballet, modern and other dance forms. Since their marriage she has been volunteering at various places in Provo, changing hair color and style frequently and working at getting her status changed that will give her the opportunity to work in the States. They are still at the honeymoon phase.

Andrew is home with Mom and Dad at present. He spent his 2nd summer selling home alarm systems. (The writer hopes it is his last.) This year he traveled to Dallas and worked with a bunch of friends in making that area a safer place to be. The days were all long and the work tough. It is door to door and there is a great deal of rejection by home owners before anyone signs up and then there is the difficulty of getting credit approved. He has a love interest whom he met Texas and they correspond by email, text message, phone and other means every day. With the current state of this relationship, he spends a great deal of time home with us as he attempts to remain faithful to that new friend. It is good to have him here as he is very pleasant to be with. Drew, as most of his friends now call him, is selling telecommunications equipment that is geared to commercial accounts.

Kristy and Lee Brewerton with their family still reside in south Edmonton. Their life is very busy as they are entertained by their 20 month old twins, Max and Sol and, 5 year old Sam. I call the twins the “monkey boys” as they are everywhere and anywhere all the time. The noise level is normally elevated and can rise to near riotous quite regularly. Samuel is in kindergarten at Keehewin Elementary. At Grand Parent’s Day last week he introduced us as Grandma and Grandpa Jackson from Calgary and then added the editorial observation that, “My Grandpa is very old”. (I had told him that I am as old as dirt, so he obviously had to pass that on.)

A few weeks ago, Kristy called and asked if they might bring some friends to our place and have a weekend “getaway”. It was bedlam!!! Actually we had a wonderful weekend as they brought 3 additional families, each with their 3 children down for a long weekend. They have told us that they had so much fun, that they are going to do it again. Help!

Lee (Dr. Brewerton) is incredibly busy in his 2nd year as a Resident in Radiology. There is so much to learn and such an incredible expectation that they be able to diagnose and prescribe treatment. He is a gifted healer, the family and ward doctor, constantly on call.

Spencer and Jadi Jackson have their own wonderful story. They are expecting their 3rd child, a little girl, in February. I have tried to convince Jadi that Stania would make a really unique and nice name but my campaign isn’t getting very far. Anna is soon to be 4 years old, is very much the grown up little sweetheart and is very comfortable in our home. A couple of weeks ago, she came to stay for the weekend and explained to me that while she was here, I could find somewhere else to sleep as she was claiming my pillow and my side of the bed. Yesterday she had a dance recital and invited her Dad to come up and perform some ballet with her. Rudolph Nureyev he is not. Our little friend, Cooper is 19 months old, has an interesting ability to communicate through grunts, points, nods and actions, all very effective. The other day we were playing on the floor. Actually, Grandpa was just laying on the floor and the kids were using him as a balance beam, trampoline, tackling dummy, you know, when he discovered that Grandpa had the most interesting nostrils. His new place to explore found a quick end to the game.

Spencer opened his insurance agency on May 1 of this year. The agency is State Farm, Spencer Jackson and is located on the main street of Okotoks, AB. They purchased a suite in a business condo and have set up a vibrant enterprise, all this after training for 8 months and pursuing the opportunity for about a year and half previously. Give him a call. Jadi continues to provide tutoring to very fortunate children as she is an exceptional teacher.

Jennifer and Mark Ehlert are based in Raymond, Alberta about 2 ½ hours south of Calgary. They have 4 beautiful and vibrant girls who each have a portion of grandpa’s heart. Last Christmas Jackson (now 7) and Braelynn (now 5) and I went over to the mall a few days before the festivities just to hang out. We had lunch, colored in Santa’s workshop and spent about 2 hours together. When we returned to our home, they agreed that the experience was just the very best of their lives and that the day was the “best day of our life”. I am sure they will have many (and likely have had) but that sure made a “very old grandpa feel” good. Jackson is in 2nd grade, Braelynn in kindergarten, Kelsie (4 in January) goes to Play Play twice a week and Addisen (21 months) is her Mom and Dad’s constant companion. They have a huge yard, a trampoline in their basement and many little friends that love to hang out.

Mark continues to base his business out of his home, daily tele-commuting to his office in the San Francisco area. He produces computer generated programs that make dvd’s and web sites more lively. He is very talented and works long hours keeping Spark Art and his other clients happy. They are happy with the move to Raymond, have many friends and are busy, busy, busy. Jenn told me yesterday that she is an angel in Brae’s Christmas concert. That was very believable to me as we have always known that she is an angel.

Our children honor us by their goodness. They have chosen strong and capable mates, these accomplished adults all thrill us as they parent their precious little charges and we love and enjoy the bonds of friendship with all of them. They are all our favorites.

Gerry and Stan. Where to start? We sold the waste and recycling part of our company early in the year. Although it is a good thing, it was precipitated by the booming economy and the failure of some of the waste companies to provide the customer service our clients demanded. We are continuing to provide engineering technology services to a variety of clients and have been busier than we anticipated. When we sold Eco-Rite, we moved our business home and have set up 2 offices in our basement, where we now operate Hobble Canyon, Inc.

We are building a lovely home in Raymond. When people ask us if we are moving there, we indicate, very honestly, that we would like to but are not sure that it is time to do so. The house plan that we are building is wonderful and very functional to us, but time will tell. In the meantime, I am having a wonderful time being the general contractor, an activity that has stretched my abilities significantly. Negotiating best services at the best prices, as well as finding the right materials at the right price, is something that I have spent my life enjoying. We are searching near and far to find the right deals while understanding that quality is paramount. Even though we are early in the framing stage, I already know that this is something I will likely do over.

Gerry is embarked on a new quest. She has been taking water color classes and has talent to paint. She is a remarkable woman. Stan plays golf and then plays some more. Ever the quest to improve.

About a month ago, Carly and Jesse’s Christmas plans changed and Carly, who is unable to leave the States as her immigration status is pending, called and asked me what I thought of Christmas in Great Falls. The answer to the question was fairly apparent; not much! We immediately began to look for an option and are planning on spending some time with them over the next few weeks.

I apologize for the length of this missive but ……

We love you all, are grateful for our family, for our friends and neighbors. Our home is always welcome and our hearth warm. There is a warm bowl of soup and a pillow if you are weary. Please drop by.

Merry Christmas and all the best in 2008.

Monday, November 12, 2007

In Flander's Field

In Flander's Field the poppies blow,
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place and in the sky,
The larks still bravely, singing fly....

Each November, I take time to remember this sacred poem and re-memorize it as my tribute to those that have sacrificed for our freedoms. This year, we are mindful of a troubled world, wars in many places and my wishes are for a more peaceful year.

Yesterday I attended a Stake Conference in Taber, Alberta. At approximately 10:50, an older gentleman, Burns Wood stood and paid tribute to his comrades in arms. He invited all the veterans who were in attendance and were able, to stand while he remembered their service. Most of the men who stood were old, in their 80's and 90's, yet they stood as ramrod straight as their years would allow. At 10:58, he dismissed them, telling them to, "rest easy, eh". We then had a full 60 seconds of silence in tribute to our veterans. It was a reverent moment for me as we remembered our debt.

Last week sister Dawne sent me copies of some letters and poems that were Dad's from the war years. Dad was quick to join the service in 1939, stayed long and maintained his military bearing throughout his life. As children, we were quick to fall in, expected to maintain precise courtesy to those that deserved respect, taught to be mindful of proper manners at the dinner table and all remember our father in his dress mess.

My blog this evening is a thank you to those that have served and to those that now serve. Our world is fraught with antagonism, peoples hating others, jealousy and bigotry are the world's great blights. It may worsen and we may yet defend our freedoms. Stay true good soldier, may God's love be manifest, might you find safety in times of trouble. The torch is ours to hold it high.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What Carly Wants

The other day, Carly asked us what we might think of spending Christmas in Great Falls. Not much!! With a little prodding, we determined that A. their plans to go to Chicago for Christmas had fallen through and B. that she was missing her family on the north side of the 49th. But Great Falls, come on, surely we could do better.... Of course Spencer made the comment about whatever Carly wants, Carly gets.

A couple of calls and a little bit of a miracle and we have a plan. Christmas and New Years is, understandably, the most sought after weeks in the "time share" game. I called Interval Int.'s Marriott desk and requested Christmas or New Year's in just 55 days. My kind agent seemed to be suffering from a case of the giggles at this audacious request and then kindly indicated that there was no such luck, except, what was this, here comes a week, unbelievable. Once again I showed my gullibility as I requested a day or two to consult with the stakeholders. My host , choking back his laughter, graciously offered to stay on the phone, even for 2 hours if it took that long to get family to agree to spend New Year's in the sun. It took about 10 seconds of which 9 of them were in travel from floor 1 to 3. So we aren't going to Great Falls.

On a similar note, Sam called on Sunday and asked, "Grandpa are you going to Palm Springs?" He then went on to outline a plan that would have me come to his house, pick him up, leave a car at the airport and go to California together. I was able to surmise that his mother had told him of our plans and he wanted in. He may get his wish but it will be in the back of an SUV for 22 hours and, in keeping with the incredible patience I almost always exhibit, there might be some very short pit stops.

It snowed last night... Yuck!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Time to Write

So, I'll blog tonight. This is in celebration of the fact that Carly, Jadi and Kristy have all posted and that's cool. This will be an UPDATE edition.

Raymond House: Going to dig as soon as the site is marked. We are waiting for the building permit to come through but the town advised us today that it is approved, just not typed. I contacted the surveyors and they will mark the site on November 7. The project is challenging to me as I am unsure of the technical aspects of building but more than comfortable with my purchasing abilities. We are taking advantage of the high C$ and are comparing prices in the states vs. canadian. We are excited about our floor plans and hope that we are able to actually take advantage of it.

I am travelling to Raymond at least weekly to monitor progress. It is our intent to assign a framing crew this weekend. The economy is hot and it is difficult to get lots of quotes as there are plenty of jobs available to almost all competent sub-trades.

Golf Season: Just about over for the year. I have an unstated goal to play golf somewhere every month for a year. I don't think this will be the year that I will accomplish that but it would be nice. (Some friends recently told me that the golf course in Shelby MT is open almost all year, so hmm....) In spite of the fact that the ground is white tonight (Thursday), the boys and I are hoping for one more game this Saturday, then all the courses will be put to bed for the winter. SWFM is a very good sport. Golf season gets long for her but she supports me in my habit.

Blogging: The medium blogging has some interesting side lights. How so? A few weeks ago, Gerry was on a plane and recognized the person sitting in front of her. As the flight ended, she said to the individual, "don't I know you?". After a little figuring, they determined that we knew each other many years ago and that I had grown up in the same area as Linda. Interestingly, she said that she reads my blog. Cool!! Today while she was visiting teaching, one of her assignees reported that, she, too reads it and that she has made contact with other lost friends through it. Thank you for taking time to stay in touch.

Well time to post and move on....

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Saturday Morning Ruminations

Firstly, I should be out cleaning the garage. Cleaning is hardly the right word as it is still cluttered with much of the stuff we brought home from the office last March. We have managed to create a gap with enough room to park the car but it needs a whole day. (Just not today I guess.) Secondly there is a bunch of engineering work to get out the door but, it too, will wait. Why the procrastination; well the sun is shining, the temperature today will be in the mid teens (C) or high 60's (F) and the golf course closes tomorrow. They claim that they need time to put it to bed for the winter. Anyway, I booked tee times for 8 and it is a 12 noon shotgun start. For those neophytes (not nephites) that means that we all start at the same time but on different holes. She Who Fulfills Me has reported some minor discontent with my golf dalliances but it will all end soon enough. (I'll try to find courses open around the city and province to complete the year. The temperature is too good not to play.)

Some random thoughts:

  • Grandchildren are really everything that you hear about. I am one who would definitely not have skipped over the children part but they are special. For those of you with children that have grandparents, thank you for sharing them with us, they are cool.
  • Grandchildren are a great deal of fun in "the pack" but they are extra special when they are alone with Grandma and Grandpa (or Kranpa as one of them says). When they are alone with us, there is a tendency to share secrets, cuddle a little more and the proclivity to injury is reduced.
  • As I look around our domicile, it is obvious that we need to figure out how to reduce and simplify. After 35 years of generally wedded bliss, we have accumulated way too much stuff. My wife does not think it funny that I have told her that when she dies I am going to call the hearse and a big bin company at the same time. Nor does she think it funny that I have instructed my children that when I die, they should not open the boxes, just dispose of them. They haven't needed the stuff so far, so don't even start.
  • Getting started on the house project is time consuming and difficult. It is about at the end of my abilities but is a challenge and invites me back. I hope that we will dig the basement in the next 2 weeks, we finally seem to have the proverbial ducks in a row. Something will come up but we'll figure it out. One of the greatest challenges has been keeping priorities reasonably in order.
  • Take time to blog, don't just facebook. Your friends want to know what is happening with your lives. Check out Katy Young's Blog (I don't know her married name). Katy is a friend of Kristy's from High School, her family was in the ward a number of years ago and they were all delightful. She is an excellent writer and likely puts many of your thoughts into her blog.
  • My last thought has to do with faith. I'm so happy that I am blessed to be a man of faith. I believe in an Eternal Father, it is a great comfort for me to so believe. I am grateful that I have faith in the love of an Elder Brother, who perfectly atoned for my wrongs so that I can be reunited with my loved ones for the eternities. I have analyzed my soul and know that I am a better person for my beliefs. My advice to you is the saying from the hippie's age; "Keep The Faith".
Have a great day. ....

Monday, October 1, 2007

The California Desert

Marriott Desert Springs Resort. Yes, it is this nice!!

Palm Springs and Palm Beach only have one thing in common; they both start with the word Palm. When we tell people that we have been in Palm Springs, many people begin to think of Florida. Not!!

Palm Springs and more correctly for us, Palm Desert is 2 hours east of Los Angeles on the I-10 freeway. To say it qualifies as one of our favorite places is a bit of an understatement. For the past 6 years, we have spent our anniversary in the desert, typically at the Marriott Desert Springs Villas . We love it, it is a week of re-charging and renewal, although we are thinking that 2 weeks would be better next time.

Why Palm Desert? I'm glad you asked. The Palm Springs area is easy to get to, it is accessible by plane and is an easy drive. I drove down and Gerry (and friends) flew down. SWFM got on a plane at 7:00 a.m. in Calgary and I picked her up at 12 noon after a short lay over in Phoenix. Westjet flies direct to Palm Springs beginning in November, so it is even easier to get to. As for me, I love to drive.

I left Calgary on Tuesday September 18 and attended meetings in southern Alberta until about 4 and then high tailed it south. Except for an unexpected grilling at the border, which caused a 2 hour delay and a return trip to Raymond to drop off the stuff I was not allowed to take to Carly and Jesse, the trip to Provo was uneventful. Against everyone's (read that spouse's) wish, I drove all night, stopping for a total 2 - 3 hours sleep as eyelids drooped. A few years ago, doing the same thing, I thought myself incredible shifty when I pulled into a car lot, parked my car next to the new cars and slept.

Surprise, surprise, my Provo friends had entered a team in a golf tournament on Wednesday afternoon and they needed a fourth to complete the team. I contributed a little, they all more so, and we won the tournament by about 10 strokes. Carly, Jesse and I hung out, ate at Cafe Rio, Kneaders and shopped at Costco, things that Dads are supposed to do. I did worry about the financial welfare of Kneaders as 3 big BYU lineman came in for the "all you can eat" french toast.
Thursday morning after the "back waxing" (see previous post) it was onward and downward (look on a map and you'll get it). Primm Nevada is right on the border with California and was a stop over on Thursday night. I planned to play the Primm Golf Resort on Friday a.m. but woke to a heavy rain, so headed out. Provo to Palm Desert is about 9 hours at a gallop, so Friday was easy. Made it to Terra Lago golf course in Indio by late morning and played with 3 guys who were warming up for a frat. golf get together. My observation is that they needed lots of warm up as between them they must have lost 2 dozen golf balls.

We didn't have the time share until Sunday so, using my great skills, I had pricelined a room for 2 nights at the Indian Springs Resort Hotel, quite nice. Princes flew into the city of angels and spent the afternoon and morning touring about. They had a brief encounter with Jane Seymour outside a spa in Malibu, went as far south as Balboa Island and Huntington Beach.

Anyway, to make a short story long, we had a great week. We ate (too much), toured about (we've about seen it all by now), sat long hours in the shade by the pool (I'm a little sunburned), played a little golf and enjoyed a great rest. I think Gerry and I will sneak back there in the next couple of months for a week alone. Drew and Joanne Cahoon and Jon Elton came down on Thursday and we had a couple of days of great visits with old friends. (I am afraid the reference to old friends is perhaps too applicable.)

As you can see by the look on Greg's face,
he is about to stuff it right back in the 10
year old's face.

Jon Elton and Greg on the couch at Jon's
Cathedral City digs. He introduced us
to excellent "dirty" mexican. (Ask me)

Me and 3 of my closest friends. I can't remember
the pig's name but that's Greg Prince and Drew Cahoon.

Of course they are babes, Gerry, Sandy Prince
and Joanne Cahoon, our soon to be neighbors.

Alrighty then.....

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Call Me Metro!!

These are the rantings and ravings of an aging boomer who continues to think himself reasonably useful. I know that my behavior makes my girls giggle and my wife shake her head in wonderment. Anyway, .....

For your enjoyment and at my own expense, I confess the following acts.

Facial Hair: Why does hair slow its growth on top and flourish in unwanted locations? Weekly, I find myself looking up my nose, checking my ears and mowing my brow to rid myself of unwanted thatches of long, bristly hair. I have 2 or 3 special little instruments designed to trim hair out of noses, ears and eyebrows. They sound like a dirt bike as they chop and pull the hair out of my ears. If I ignored my eyebrows, I would be able to braid them after only a couple of months. The other day after She Who Still Abides By Me had cut my hair on top, I found myself in front of the mirror continuing the process as described. As I stood in front of the mirror, my eyes focused on my back. How the heck did my back get so darned hairy.

Back Hair: The process started, the mind working, I consulted CJS, the bride. As I was driving to Palm Desert, Carly made arrangements for me to see the Queen of Wax, and that's not Madame Tussaud, in Provo this week. What was I thinking? On Thursday Carly carefully holding my hand coaxed me into the back room of a "salon" just off of State Street in Orem. With my daughter laughing and the Waxer waxing, we ripped off every strand of back hair. I was grateful for cold hands and now have a bald back. Gerry laughed at me today as she recognized my skin colored back. Did I tell you that my toe nails were hurting.

Pedicure and Manicure: Last night as I walked through Walmart, I couldn't help but notice the big board out in front of the booth offering a pedicure and manicure for $22. Why not I mused as I contemplated my hairless nose, ears and back. Of course my manicurist/pedicurist turned out to be a 50 + vietnamese guy who carried on a chortling discussion with his colleagues in his language about his goofy client. Actually my feet feel better, my nails look great and he had good hands. (He gave me a foot massage and it felt great.)

Little sister S. says that I am metro and tonight I confess I probably am. I have to keep close tabs on my unwanted and random facial hair. When we were young we used to call the guy that ran the Dairy Queen "Coconut Nose" and I don't want that handle, thanks. Will I get my back waxed again, I don't know. It really wasn't so bad, in spite of all that I have heard. Probably. My nails aren't painted but do shine.

So now you know. I'll tell you about Palm Desert next.

Ta Ta (it seems appropriate somehow that I sign off that way.)......

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Why Sleep In?

I eased out of bed, unable to stay there any longer. Last night I had decided that I would explore the morning with my camera and it seemed like a good time to start. My intention was to go southwest about 15 minutes and take pictures of the bison, elk and antelope on a nearby ranch. My enthusiasm for this early morning project was motivated by seeing Kristy's pictures of fall on her blog and I wanted to experience the beauty.

Leaving the house at 6:15, I realized that sunrise was not to happen for quite some time and decided to head west out toward the mountains and see what developed (a little pun there). Kananaskis Country starts just past Bragg Creek and is only about 35 minutes from home. I had never stopped at the Elbow River Boat Launch just this side of the falls, so made that my first stop.

Absolutely the only sound was the river
cruising down stream.

The temperature was 0 degrees C. and the air was fantastic. A few minutes west of Elbow Falls a sign indicates that Hwy 40 (Kananaskis Hwy) is 38 km. away across the Powderface Trail. The next sign indicates that travel is not recommended and that travel is at your own risk, just what I wanted. The mountains were dusted white with moisture yesterday and I wanted to experience it all. The temperature fell to minus 6 as I climbed up the Powderface. Enjoy the pictures of my morning.

7:30 and the sun paints the mountains.

Snow briefly brushed the branches, with
a warm day expected.

Hoar frost and crispy weather invited me
to open my window and turn on the heat.

The road is pitted and washboard but
speed was not the desired effect. As I bumped
through the pot holes, fresh ice popped up
and splashed the underside of my truck.


And of course, a stop at the wonderful Kananaskis
Golf Course to snap the hearty, first group
out, after a lengthy hour and a half frost delay.

My faith renewed, my spirit grateful. Thank you Father, for this breathtaking world.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Reporting In......

Blogging vs. Facebook

No question, blogging is the far better means of communicating. Yes, it is fun to see profiles of people whose memories we cherish but blogging is a means to journal.

Labor Day Weekend (actually Labour Day in Canada but I can't bring myself to write it like that.)

We are in Edmonton this evening with the Brewertons. It is a weekend of games and bar-b-ques. (You all should be so lucky as to be treated to a Brewerton/Jackson bar-b-que.) Lee is a gourmet cook, Kristy can prepare anything and Gerry, well we all know what she does in the kitchen.

We went to church this morning in the Bears Paw Ward in south Edmonton. (The Brewertons home ward.) It is full of people from our past. Sister Helen Stringham was the first person we saw and my memories of their family is precious. Brother Murray Stringham (who passed away earlier this year) was my bishop when I went on my mission. I have a vivid memory of sitting on the edge of his bed, as he suffered through the first of many very serious illnesses, the day I was to leave and we shared tears together. Later we sat next to each other on a high council and hold each other in the highest regard.

Cec Purves is in the ward, one of our former bishops. Bishop Olsen, the kids current bishop is a long-time friend. The Champions, instrumental in Gerry's conversion and my favorite Sunday School teacher ever, are always there to greet. Of course it is home to Ronn and Wendy Gibb and many of their children, bff. It is full of friends.

This afternoon, I went to Sherwood Park to attend church with old friends and sister Susan and brother Harry. It is always emotional for me simply because I consider that time in our lives as the most influential in our development as a family. I always get a number of hugs and remember my friends there as dear forever. In fact, I still consider it home. (I may have made a contribution to the community as I ran a yellow light and noticed it had a camera.)

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Carly and Jesse are in Provo, setting up their new apartment. They are just west of the Joseph Fielding Smith Fieldhouse, overlooking the tennis courts and golf practice area. This also puts them a couple of hundred yards from the Brick Oven, one of our favorite noshing establishments. (It used to be Heaps of Pizza, back when we were young.)


Has completed his summer work in Dallas, TX and is now on his way home. The outstanding speeding ticket warrant in Amarillo, TX doesn't seem to worry him but we hope he doesn't experience any need to persuade a peace officer that he will look after it forthwith.

Andrew is at that point in his life where he is wrestling with his whole life. He desires to know what is in store for him and we are on the sidelines cheering for the very best. We know of his goodness and for that he will be blessed. After many long years, I know that education always helps and hope that he is of that opinion as well. Good luck, son.


And Finally (I Use Quotation Marks a Great Deal). Have you noticed?


Sunday, August 26, 2007

What does it mean to be Tagged.

Let's everybody understand that my answers might require some explanation, however....

A- Attached or single: Attached, firstly to Gerry, next to my children.
B- Best Friend: The correct answer is Gerry, however, I like many people and have many "best friends".
C- Cake or Pie: Hmm. Dodi's Chocolate Cake is awfully fine but Rhubarb Pie mm mm(made by Ger.) absolutely easy decision. Her pastry is the BOMB. Didn't get even one this year.
D- Day of choice: Love Fridays but favorite day is actually Sunday evenings. Please keep them free of other stuff and make them a family time.
E- Essential Item: Pitching Wedge and least essential is a GPS.
F- Favorite Color: Green, how many shades of Green did God create.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Great for sticking on windows. Lousy to leave in the car in a heat wave.
H- Hometown: Will it change in the next year?
I- Indulgence(s): How many golf shirts does a guy need.
J- January or July: January usually offers a golf trip but July offers permanent nice weather. July for sure!
K- Kids: 5, each special and each my fave., but you already knew that.
L- Life is Incomplete Without: Have to agree - Family and dare I say, golf.
M- Marriage Date: September 27, 1972. It snowed all the way to Cardston.
N- Number of Siblings: 1 brother, 2 sisters, 1 half-brother and 1 half-sister (deceased). Good friends.
O- Oranges or Apples: Mandarin and Gala.
P- Phobias or Fears: Can make myself physically ill thinking about being in a cave or other enclosed space.
Q- Quote(s):

"Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God." Joseph Smith (smart man)

R- Reason To Smile: watching my wife enjoy a funny show.
S- Season: Fall, always has been, crisp, beautiful days.
T- Tag Three: Erin C. (Mama C.), Carly and Jadi. Add Jenn just for good measure. Oh heck, if anybody wants in, go ahead.
U- Unknown Fact About Me: Would rather read than do almost anything else. (not quite anything ;).
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: I hope that I can apologize to Murphy in Heaven. Bring on a good rib steak.
W- Worst Habit: I would have made a great cow as I love to graze.
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Keep me covered with the lead apron, please.
Y- Your Favorite Food: Best meal of the year is creamed vegetables. Maybe a rib roast, good buns, I'm getting hungry. What time is supper?
Z- Zodiac: Scorpio, just like Kristy.

Friday, August 24, 2007


This issue will be of the "thousand word" variety. A short narration for each photo.

The bride gathering her thoughts
as the paparazzi gather. She was ever so calm
throughout the day, gracious in her beauty and
gentle in her approach.

The Bride models her, ever so awesome,
dress at the dinner in Springville.

Harbingers of the future? Each of our nine
grandchildren gather round Jesse and Carly on
the steps of the Salt Lake City Temple. It was
a dreamworthy day.

The bride and groom pose as they await
their guests in San Antonio. Take your
breath away.

Jesse and Carly. Of course we had
to have a 2nd wedding dress to meet
friends and family in San Antonio.
In all candor, she was incredible in
this dress. The seamstress at
Nordstroms in Orem is an angel.

Steve and Wendy Fitzer's garden
in San Antonio was never so incredible.

Sometimes, the pictures say it all.

The reception at the Fitzers was elegant.
They were the perfect hosts. Thank you so much.

The Fitzer residence in Shavano, TX. (it
is gorgeous.)

Of course, no visit to San Antonio would
be complete without a visit to "The Alamo".

New Family!!! Wendy, Steve and Andrea
Fitzer pose on the River Walk in San Antonio.
They were amazing hosts.

Friday, August 17, 2007

She said Yes!!

What a wonderful ceremony. Thanks to Cindy Beattie, we were able to invite Brother Earl Jackson (no relationship) to perform Carly and Jesse's wedding.

A temple wedding is so unique. It is reverent and sweet. The bride and groom have the opportunity to face each other across an altar and have their relationship given eternal promises. There are usually only a few close friends in the sealing room with the couple. In Carly and Jesse's case, there were approximately 40 people with them. Tears flowed freely and frequently.

Brother Jackson is in his mid 80's and gave the very best explanation of the eternal marriage that we had ever heard. He went through each aspect of the ceremony, explaining to all gathered the significance of the words. Thank you to him.

It was an extremely warm day and Jesse, Carly and a photographer spent about 90 minutes walking about the temple taking pictures. When we picked them up on the northeast corner of temple square, Carly was melting. she was grateful for air conditioning vents in the back seat and pointed them all over her over-heated body. Our first stop was at Sonic Burger to pick up some ice-cold drinks.

We were treated to a special evening by Jesse's father and step-mother. There were about 70 family and friends that gathered for a quiet evening out in Springville. It is now on to San Antonio where we will have one last open house, courtesy of Jesse's mom and step-father. The kids will then take 2 weeks to honeymoon in the Padre Islands and in Las Vegas, returning to Provo for the start of school early in September.

We are exhausted and grateful. Thank you to all of you who have assisted, attended and blessed us with your kindnesses.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Great and Wonderful Travelling Jackson Reunion

What a great week!!! :) Thank you to all who supported Carly and Jesse at the reception in Calgary. It was a great party. Now we are on the road.

Carly and Jesse.

Each year our family has a "Family Reunion". Over years the event will take on much greater meaning but for now, it is a party for our family to hang out together. This is our 5th reunion and in order to accommodate the wedding in Salt Lake City, have taken a road trip.

Sunday afternoon everyone except Lee and Andrew, who will join us on Wednesday, met in Shelby, Montana. A strange meeting place but it worked great and on to Butte.

One of my choice lifetime experiences will be the memory of holding hands with the 5 oldest grandchildren, all of them extremely excited, as we crossed the street from the Hampton Inn to a local pizza restaurant. The event was made greater when the children realized that it, the restaurant, had mini games and rides. One of the popular games was the bowling game where you roll a ball up the ramp and it drops into a hole that is labeled with points. Before his Mom climbed up on the game, Cooper Jackson found that he could almost fit into the 50,000 point hole. The small merry-go-round was almost full when all 9 children got on board. Kristy made a hasty departure as one of the twins chose dessert time as the time to get into the hazardous waste business.

Monday morning early Mark Ehlert, Spencer and I made our way out to "Old Works" golf course in nearby Anaconda to start the vacation right. Another timely meeting at 11:30 at a truck stop on I-15 and we were off to Salt Lake City. Doug and Nancy joined us at precisely the appointed time and we were now a convoy of 5 vehicles. We have 3 walkie-talkies between us and were able to visit almost non-stop, Kristy, Carly and Jenn assigning everyone "handles".

Jenn and Mark grab a quick rest from
chasing their 4 cute little princesses.

Aunt Nancy and Uncle Doug join the party.
Hope they know what they are in for....

one hour stop at the Idaho Temple grounds to have a good run and a visit with cousins Tom and Glenda Tucker. Their son Brian came over from his nearby office to meet and greet. The Tuckers are my grandmother Jackson's family and are our deepest LDS line. I like to keep the relationship alive.

Max and Sol, 15 month old twins wondered if they would ever get free of their car seats.

Cooper never stops smiling and always keeps running.

Braelynn, Anna, Jackson, Sam and Kelsie all take 30 seconds to pose before doing more laps.

The Tuckers and the Jacksons

Arrival in Salt Lake City at the Shilo Inn at 6:00 p.m. to find all the reservations properly messed up. Hardly the time to get in the way of mothers whose children needed to be tended, cleaned and fed but we managed to straighten things out, calm a few grands and on to a great party at Cafe Rio.

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Wedding Week

Monday night and we are in full gear. Although the wedding is not until the 16th, we will be hosting a reception here in Calgary on Friday night. Gerry has been at top speed for 6 weeks. She has really put her every effort into these events. These past few days, the house has been the number one priority, we are all working to have it ready to be full of family.

5 weeks is a long time.

At the same time we have been checking off important but last minute details. We will be entertained by a harpist, Spencer has abandoned the role of teasing elder brother and will emcee and are generally the recipients of many kindnesses by good friends. Thanks to you all, you know who you are. What have we forgotten? It doesn't matter as it will happen, regardless.

Carly is incredibly calm, in spite of the long distance courtship.

Carly and Jesse have had a frustrating number of weeks as they have courted by email, text message, facebook and telephone. Carly has said that she is sick of talking on the phone. They spend hours every night talking about their futures together. Jesse and his father arrive on Wednesday and we are meeting them in Cardston so that Carly can go through the temple. Carly has informed any and all that she and Jesse will travel back to Calgary together that evening, no debate.

This weekend there are 6 or 7 other receptions that will be in direct conflict with ours. Like Scott says, "Easy Peesy, Lemon Squeezy". We will have a party for whoever can come. After the reception and weather permitting, I am going to put a fire in the firepit and we will replay every move, roast marshmallows, hot dogs, whatever and chill for a couple of hours. Hope family can come.

I haven't come to grips with losing our baby. There have been moments when the reality is almost too much. We have experienced so much the past couple of years. Carly is, in many ways, incredibly mature and ready for this. On the other hand, how can anyone prepare for marriage when the actual experience is so dynamic. I am so very proud of all of my children, this week particularly so with Carly. She has her first temple recommend in hand and is deserving of it, without doubt.

Let the good times roll....

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Old Works

Just returned from an annual golf trip to Butte, Montana. You ask, how could anyone take a golf trip to Butte? In fact, just 20 minutes west of Butte is the home of "The Old Works" golf course. This Jack Nicklaus designed course is a real treat. It is eminently playable, very inexpensive and run by a happy staff, who aim to please.

The Old Guy at the Old Works, 2007.

We arrived on Wednesday evening with plans to play 18 holes on Thursday, possibly 36 on Friday with 18 on Saturday and then a return home. On the way to Montana, 7 of us stopped and played at Cardston's Lee Creek Golf Course, an excellent credit to that community.

After playing 18 holes in almost perfect weather on Thursday, it was a no-brainer that we re-play in the afternoon. The whole day cost $91, 2 rounds of golf with cart. The hamburgers are world class, order the pepperjack cheese. Friday was a repeat of Thursday and Saturday was, as planned, 18 holes and a return to reality.

Old Works is built on an old Foundry. During the 1980's the U.S. government enacted a law to clean up environmental problems. Called the "Superfund", the government imposed a tariff on industry that was to assist with the clean up. Anaconda, Montana had a huge foundry that had processed all the ore in the Butte area. (You probably remember the huge open-pit mines in the community.) They contracted with Jack Nicklaus' company to build a course.

The Four of us Have Been Taking Golf Trips for 10 years.
Leron Crapo, The Old Guy, Dennis Locking and Kipp Craig.

The course features black shavings in all the bunkers and all the rough. It is spectacular.

It is a long way to travel. This was our 7th year. I want to make the trip again but, particularly want to do so with my sons. (As many of them as can make the trip.)

This year's cast, left to right; Ethan Craig, Simon Kelly,
Trevor Locking,
Mike Parker (back), Dennis, Kipp (back),
Sean Smith (Joe Sport's son and
my golf partner on the last day),
Chris Law (back), Sean Crapo, Leron (back),
Stan, Frank Stanford.

Keep it in the fairway. Until next time.......

Monday, July 9, 2007

Keeping the Spark Alive

The idea for this blog came to me late this afternoon as we hurried around the supermarket getting ready for tonight's FHE. Later this year we will celebrate 35 years of wedded bliss? The question mark simply highlights the fact that marriages are not all wedded bliss but ours has been one of great memories and increasing love.

As we walked through Sobeys today, I found that I could create some static electricity and then innocently put my hand on Gerry and give her a pretty good jolt. Each time I sent out the spark, Gerry would look around and try to identify what was shocking her. Of course, my role was to continue trying to innocently offer my assistance and to get up behind her, touching her leg or back with a full charge. After several successful sorties, Gerry identified the source of her zaps and began to endeavor to avoid them, mostly unsuccessfully.

We continue to fuel the fires of our romance, sense that while our love has matured and changed, it is better than ever. Of course we have our differences, that is what makes our family improve and complete. We have learned that differences of opinion are healthy and that nobody is ever exactly right. We also have agreed that we will commit to one set of principles, that we will put the Gospel first in our lives and will love one another forever and through whatever.

My advice to each of you is to understand that once you make the commitment to marriage, you forsake the option of being single. You, in fact, commit to a relationship that you have the responsibility to make successful. Understand that there will be bumps in the road. We keep our love alive by continuing to romance one another, by being friends, being 100% honest with each other and understanding that when we disagree, we will find a compromise.

I am grateful for my bride. She still takes my breath away. Hopefully we will have another 35.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

How the Jacksons Do It.

Cooper meets Mr. Ed.

Last year my cousin Pam lost her husband in a tragic way. He was my age and we had similar interests, primarily golf. I was at the hospital when he was brought in and did not fully understand the seriousness of his illness. Anyway, almost a year has passed by and Pam has had a difficult time coping with the addditional responsibilities of managing their small horse farm west of Calgary. Aunt Fran is Pam's mom and Uncle Jim is her brother, for clarification.

A couple of months ago, our common uncle Jim called and suggested that we have a work party out at Pam's place. We had a rain out a few weeks ago and re-sheduled to yesterday. Nobody was told to bring tools, yet everybody brought power equipment, compressors, mowers, trimmers, trailers and a variety of useful tools to do the work.

A deck needed renewal

By 9:30 a.m. sister Dawne and Dan were already at work when Gerry and I arrived with my sister Susan and her husband Harry. Dawne was manning an electric lawn mower, Dan was working on repairing a deck that had serious issues. After a 2 minute greeting from Pam, Aunt Fran and Uncle Jim and without any direction, everybody grabbed a tool and headed off in different directions to work. 15 minutes later Doug showed up with a large, ride on mower that would accomplish a whole lot. Along with Doug was his friend and employee Larry Simmonds, who brought out the company bobcat.

One of the buildings that needed a heavy coat of paint. Good Work!!

The interesting part of the day was the lack of guidance as to what needed to be done. It was obvious that there were many chores to do and we were the group to do it. During the day Doug's son Tyler and our son Spencer showed up and found serious chores to do.

We trimmed about 300 yards of fence line, trimmed around dozens of trees, mowed 4 + acres that had not seen a mower in 2007, painted the outsides of 4 buildings, repaired a large deck, cleared and cleaned up 2 large roll off loads of trash, weeded and fixed up gardens, repaired gates and fences and did so without direction and with the best of feelings. Uncle Jim who is 74 worked like a 35 year old, Aunt Fran and Pam put on a wonderful lunch.

Stan, Spencer and Doug

I am impressed with my brothers and my sisters, love and greatly respect all my in-laws, always am impressed with the hard work of Larry, Tyler and Spencer. It was not easy for anybody to be there yesterday. Everybody had other places that they needed to be but there was not one complaint, a lot of good natured banter and a whole lot of love. Thanks to all of you. I am, once again, awed with respect.

Talk to you soon.....

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

A day to honor fathers. It has been 23 years since I bid farewell to my Dad and it is easy to miss him on days like today. He was a great guy and I wish that you all could have known him better.

Dad had the very old fashioned name, "Horace Milton". It was his father's name and he was proud of it. Most people called him Milt but there were some that called him Jack. Dad had a great sense of humor, loved to be the center of attention, he had a great mind and could argue very successfully on a myriad of subjects. Although he left school early, I remember my father as an educated man.

After he was diagnosed with cancer, we spent a weekend together and we talked. I asked him to recount the times in his life when he had been most happy. I didn't know what to expect but was surprised that the most prolonged happy time in his life was the time he spent in the army. Dad was quick to enlist at the beginning of the 2nd war and was overseas from 1939, returned home for officer's training in 1942 and 43, returned to England until late 1946. (I think.)

Milt and Pat in downtown Calgary, circa 1946.

I miss my Dad, can still conjure up the feeling of his whiskery face. Dad used to kiss me goodbye, it embarrassed me as a youth but remains a choice memory. Happy Father's Day Dad.

Friday, June 8, 2007

mini golf

This is a message to Sam. I added the link to mini-golf as it is working once more. Have fun.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Time to Update

Imagine all the ways that we communicate today. Just the other day all we had were smoke signals and the pony express and now we have so many different ways that it can be a little confusing.

My grandmother Rudolph was a great resource. She had stories about life that spanned the covered wagon to the supersonic age. When Grandma was a young woman up in the Innisfail area, her mother became seriously ill. The doctor made a decision that my great grandmother should be hospitalized immediately. A sleigh was sent out and gallons of hot water were provided in buckets to provide some comfort for the cold, snowy ride. Imagine that today a helicopter might be dispatched from Calgary and almost immediate attention might be given.

Anyway, I digress.

Last week we had the delightful opportunity to grandparent 3 of the grandchildren while Kristy and Lee went to Los Angeles. One year old twins whose greatest frustrations are in not being able to communicate freely express themselves most ably through loud screaming. They were absolutely wonderful as long as we were able to surmise their every wish. On the rare occasion when we weren't 100% tuned into them, our home became a tornado of screams, tears and anguish. Predictably Sol learned to take steps while here so that he could entertain his parents upon their return.

The twins have discovered that their teeth make excellent offensive and defensive weapons. If one of the toddlers takes something from the other, a wildly ferocious brother charges with fangs bared. Happens in the blink of an eye, cute to watch but incredibly effective.

Who needs pacifiers when you have chocolate!!

My apologies to my brother Bob for the following story.

While we were in Hawaii, Sam and I had occasion to be walking to the elevators together. As grandpas are wont to do, I made a rather rude noise, caused by upset stomach. Sammy looked at me and said, "Grandpa, was that you?" Of course, in typical male fashion, I denied it and Sam then asked, "Well who did it?"

(Apologizing now) I said, "Bob did it". I didn't think of brother Bob, just grabbed a name that came to mind. From then on whenever there was a burp, belch or worse, Bob was blamed. He became the invisible friend who took the blame for every rude, rank or raunchy act, as deemed by a five year old.

Well last week, brother Bob came over to our house and met Sam. Of course he was unaware of our invisible friend from Kauai. Upon meeting him, Sam's eyes widened and he said, "Are you Bob?" For the balance of Bob's visit, Sam sat chortling on the couch, repeating, "This is Bob". When I got home, Sam came up to me and reported that he had met "Bob". Hilarious!!!

Until next time.