Friday, August 17, 2007

She said Yes!!

What a wonderful ceremony. Thanks to Cindy Beattie, we were able to invite Brother Earl Jackson (no relationship) to perform Carly and Jesse's wedding.

A temple wedding is so unique. It is reverent and sweet. The bride and groom have the opportunity to face each other across an altar and have their relationship given eternal promises. There are usually only a few close friends in the sealing room with the couple. In Carly and Jesse's case, there were approximately 40 people with them. Tears flowed freely and frequently.

Brother Jackson is in his mid 80's and gave the very best explanation of the eternal marriage that we had ever heard. He went through each aspect of the ceremony, explaining to all gathered the significance of the words. Thank you to him.

It was an extremely warm day and Jesse, Carly and a photographer spent about 90 minutes walking about the temple taking pictures. When we picked them up on the northeast corner of temple square, Carly was melting. she was grateful for air conditioning vents in the back seat and pointed them all over her over-heated body. Our first stop was at Sonic Burger to pick up some ice-cold drinks.

We were treated to a special evening by Jesse's father and step-mother. There were about 70 family and friends that gathered for a quiet evening out in Springville. It is now on to San Antonio where we will have one last open house, courtesy of Jesse's mom and step-father. The kids will then take 2 weeks to honeymoon in the Padre Islands and in Las Vegas, returning to Provo for the start of school early in September.

We are exhausted and grateful. Thank you to all of you who have assisted, attended and blessed us with your kindnesses.

Thanks for your thoughts.


Kristy said...

I think his name was Earl...Have a fun trip. Love you. Thanks for everything.

ec said...

what a beautiful bride!!

weddings are great, aren't they?

i enjoy keeping up to date with your goings on. take care!!

Carly & Jesse said...

Well I thought I would add a update things a little. We couldn't go to Padre because of Hurricane Dean that was moving in. So thanks to Jess Pop's Steve we made a fast change and now we are in Florida. Love you all!