Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Thank you to each of you who check out our journals. It is truly a spiritual time in our lives as Gerry and I pour out our hearts to our Father in Heaven. We recognize that Clare is here on Earth to fulfill His plan for her and we pray that the plan gives us the opportunity to know this little princess as we hoped to.

Each day is a pendulum of highs and lows. We are trying our level best to keep the faith for our dear little granddaughter. Clare's situation continues to be termed "critical". She is still in the neo-natal intensive care unit with greater than one on one care. The primary care nurse told Gerry and Jadi yesterday that Clare's first three days of life were the most difficult she has ever experienced as a nurse, due to the ever changing gravity of her situation. At the same time, her parents are able to hold her, sing to her and cuddle her each day. It is obvious that she has been in pain as she is sensitive to noise and movement.

I think that Spencer's posts are from his heart, that they represent his and Jadi's worries for their little Clare. Thanks for your thoughts.


Carly & Jesse said...

I think that you are the best Kranpa Clare could ask for. Love you.

Ashley said...

I only wish that there was something that I could do. If there is, let me know. Chris and I continue to keep her and her entire family in our prayers. We love you guys!

The Five Jacksons said...

Thank you, dad. I love you.

Kristy said...

Lovely post Dad.

Gramma C. said...

I read the beautiful post with tears for all of you and then gratitude for our loving Heavenly Father and His miraculous plan. Our prayers and love to all of you. Joanne and Drew.