Thursday, January 31, 2008

Isn't She Beautiful!!

What a wonderful opportunity it was today to hold our newest grandchild. I was able to hold and visit with little Clare while her Mom and Dad visited with the medical personnel about her current situation and the prognosis. I am very impressed with the openness of the experts and the time they gave to answer each and every question as best as they were able. These people care about Clare and are doing their level best for each of their charges. We owe them a debt of gratitude. Honestly there are still many unknowns but each day we see progress.

While I held our 10th grand child, I overheard the discussion about strokes and the potential recovery. As we all know, some people recover completely from strokes and some have little improvement. Each situation is different. It will be months and maybe years until we know what potential for recovery Clare has but we are, today, optimistic.

Perhaps it was the aura of a new born but while I held our princess this day, I had the overwhelming feeling that all is well. We are people of faith and we believe that Clare is here with an earthly mission. We are all praying that it will be one of a normal life full of foibles and opportunities but we will take it each day at a time. I already love this little muffin and look forward to my time with her.

As a note, this time will be a period of learning. There will be many lessons taught and some will be re-learned. I am overwhelmingly reminded of the kindness of people. Many of you are calling to check on progress and to lend your support. We are touched by the people that thank both us and Jadi and Spencer for the opportunity to support our family. The empathy shown by other mothers to Jadi is amazing.

Again, for the most up to date information, click here.

She is truly beautiful!!


Carly & Jesse said...

She looks so tiny in your hands! I love you daddy!

Kellie Bennett said...

so nice to see you holding such a precious little spirit, we'll continue to keep her in our thoughts & prayers. What a beautiful little baby she is.

Ashley said...

LOVE that picture. How lucky you were to get to hold her! There's nothing better then being able to enjoy such a fresh little person. Sure love ya and hope for the best. I am amazed by your faith. You guys have always been such wonderful examples to me. All is well!

The Five Jacksons said...

Thank you for your words. I love to hear when other people have those similar feelings of peace and hope when they hold her. Cradling my precious, sleeping baby in my arms are some of the sweetest moments of my day.
Love Jadi

Kristy said...

Yes, she is beautiful!! and tiny!! Nice words Dad.