Saturday, March 24, 2007

Take 4

The time difference of 4 hours is a difficult adjustment, especially when you don't sleep well at the best of times. The good parts of not sleeping in include spectacular views of an incredibly starlit sky, temperate times of the day for walk/runs and a great start to the day.

This morning I went for a 4 - 5 mile walk down past the Sheraton to the Marriott Waiohai, where we will be staying next week. It was clear and beautiful when I started and pouring rain on the return. In spite of the rain, the temperature stayed in the low 70's and the walk was outstanding. At 5:30 in the morning not many people are out and about, sunrise is about 6:35 and the skies are very cool.

As I was finishing my walk, SWFM (see my first post) came out of the building and we made our way across the street to watch the day begin. There are always a few surfers who come and ply the waves for an hour or two before the school day or work begins.

In Hawaii Monk Seals are a protected species. They get all the right of way they want, beaches are cordoned off and they are not to be disturbed. We have seen them each year and they are massive. A couple of years ago there were estimated to be only 50 monk seals left in Hawaii. Anyway, this morning one of them came into the shore right below Gerry and I. He/she scratched himself along the coral, surfaced, blew a few snorts and then played around in front of us. This seal appeared to be about 3 - 400 pounds, although the perspective is hard to gain from the picture.

The rest of the day was spent in serious rest mode. Each day we spend 2-5 hours lounging, reading and enjoying the sun. Many days this "rest" time seems to go on forever, in my view. My hyper-active nature requires that I do something, so I am usually wandering about after an hour or so. Everybody is good natured and trying to accomodate everyone else, so it all works out. Today there was an outing to Walmart and Costco, almost overwhelming that we went to 2 stores. (I just know that I will be a better greeter than Susan Goodrow. I hope I get the Kauai gig in a few years.)

Tonight we went out for our treat of the week. The Princeville Resort, (the most exclusive on an island of many exclusive resorts) puts on a seafood buffet on Friday evenings, so off we went. I won't divulge everything but suffice it to say that the cost is far more than any fiscally conservative person would generally spend on a whole month's worth of dining out. The food was spectacular, difficult to stay on target with the Dr. B thing but it was a one time event. I think we went so that Susan and Gerry could taste the Flourless Chocolate Cake and they tell me it was worth it.

Kids will be travelling tomorrow and we want them to safely arrive. Drew reported today that he is really excited to be here and we all know how Kristy and her family feel.

Aloha for tonight.

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