Friday, February 9, 2007


Most people find February to be a forgettable month. Not me, to me it is the key to spring time. January is over and April is only 58 days away.

February is a month that holds fabulous memories. 37 years ago on February 7th, I entered the mission home in Salt Lake City. That was long before MTC and lengthy training. We received 5 days of teaching, then were dispatched to our destinations. My first destination was Provo where I spent 2 months learning Spanish, then off to Guatemala/El Salvador. 35 years ago I returned home, still have a mental picture of Dad looking out the window of the airport. On February 12th of that same year, I met Gerry Norton, a cute little 18 year old who was secretary at the Institute. She had been baptized the prior year on February 6th. This sweet, shy girl later agreed to be my eternal companion and now and forever holds my heart. Our little grand daughter, Anna was born on February 13 and, of course February hosts Valentine's Day, important but much more so because that is the day our little Carly came into our family. How did 21 years go by so fast.

Let it snow!! I love February. Spring is not only in my heart but almost here.


Carly & Jesse said...

Oh Dad I love you so much! it is my favorite month of the year to! I wish i could see you on Valentines Day!!

Kristy said...

Our little family will embark on a long, hopefully peaceful, journey to Hawaii in 6 weeks from tomorrow!! It is so cold and snowy that it hardly seems possible that spring is that close. Again, love the blog. I can't believe it was 21 years ago either.

Kristy said...

my goodness that little girl is pretty!!