Monday, February 5, 2007

Waist Management

I have spent most of my life in waste management and haven't spent as much time worrying about waist management as I ought to have. Recently, however, that is changing. You know, when someone asks me how much weight I have lost, my typical response is about 1,000 pounds. That is to say, over the years, I have lost 15 - 25 pounds many times over.

Last year, I found that my energy level and abilities were substantially lessened and determined that it was now time for waist management. I also realize that I need checks, balances and goals in my life to really follow through on commitment. Several friends had lost significant weight on the Dr. Bernstein Diet, a serious diet for the committed. After doing some self-analysis, it was gut check time and you guessed it, the gut needed to recede.

I went to my initial appointment early in December and can report that, after 6 full weeks on the program, (I don't count my week in Phoenix golfing as a week on the program although I did not put on any weight) the scale at Dr. B's office reports a 40 pound decrease. There is a great deal of work to do but I'm keen for it. I look forward to feeling much better and do so right now.

The strategy of Dr. B is to get the patients to regularly report in, control the type and number of calories and subsidize oneself with appropriate vitamins and minerals. I have always taken a mixed cocktail of vitamins, chondroitin, glucosamine, calcium, 82 mg. aspirin, etc., so this is the easy part. Limiting my eating is more difficult. Actually SWFM (check prior post) has a difficult time cutting back on portions and always wants to provide the tastiest for her family. Christmas was very hard as there was always a goodly number of tasty treats on the counter.

Anyway, I now make my way to the Dr. B clinic 3 times a week where I bare one of the private cheeks or the other, receive a poke with a dull needle, purportedly filled with vitamins B6 and B12, weigh myself, review my foods for the past couple of days and get a small measure of encouragement. There are doctors on staff and I meet regularly with one of them but the fellow I saw last Friday was, at best, putting in time.

As to the waist management, down about 6".

Use my name if you sign up.


Kristy said...

Way to go. Oh and thanks for the lip stuff! Perfect.

Kristy said...

by the way - I love that you have a blog!

Carly & Jesse said...

I love that Daddy has a blog too! and I am so proud of you for your waist management!

stonro said...

Yahoo!! You'll soon realy be my little brother - way to go, or should I say Weight to go!! I'm proud of you- Love Ya. Bob

Carly & Jesse said...

I really miss my family!

Kristy said...

I'm ready for a new post!!