Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Winter Thoughts

If Noah lived in this country he would have had to build a big sled, chip the animals out of the ice, bundle up in furs from some of the not so lucky animals and then wait for a robin to find green grass. Why did I write that February is such a great month? It seems that Mother Nature has conspired against us and made it snow ever since. That myth about the goofy gopher sticking his head out of the ground, seeing no shadow and it shortening winter was certainly dispelled this month.

The next time I hear someone say that it is beautiful out, just because everything is white, I'm going to give them a piece of my mind. What's wrong with living where everything is green all year round. That might be beautiful, too.

I am constantly cold, my gloves don't keep my hands warm, my feet are freezing, 2 quilts aren't enough to warm me up at night and Gerry has turned into a night owl. She likes to stay up past 9:30, which is my preferred bed time. (Not actually true but I wish it was many nights.) My skin dries up every time I go in the hot tub, making the following days of scratching and itching a pain, literally.

The munchkins all have colds, GI infections, (what the heck is a GI infection Lee) sniffle, puke and poop way too much. The front hall in our house is always full of boots, grime and stuff. Nobody does the walks except me, (occasionally not so but generally so).

IS ANYBODY LISTENING OUT THERE? I think I'll pack it all in and go to Hawaii in 2 1/2 weeks. Then I'll just worry about getting sunburned, skin cancer, all the problems back home, won't be able to sleep past about 4:30 a.m. (3 hour time difference) and I'll continue on Dr. B's plan, only in a limited sense.

Love to all.


Kristy said...

You crack me up dad. I agree with living where it is green year round. In 4.5 more years we will have that option. Hawaii sounds fun. Maybe you and the babies will have parties at 4:30 in the am. I added your blog to my link list. Hope you don't mind. We are all feeling much better.

Carly & Jesse said...

Wish I could have parties at 4:30 in Hawaii! I did something last night dad that made me realize I am your daughter! i went to bed at nine o'clock last night!!

Kristy said...

So Samuel really likes your link to mini golf!!